A final Goodbye from our volunteer Daniel

A warm hello to everyone reading this blog entry.

Somewhere in a very remote village in India, tucked away behind a beautiful gate, surrounded by fruit trees, is a cosy little compound that has come to mean quite a lot to me. It is home to many little souls that share their abundant love and joy with the world around them. These souls, of course, are the kids of the Agape Village.
It feels like a short lifetime has passed since I said my final goodbyes at the Agape Village. When I reflect I understand just how much my time here meant to me. And so, on several occasions, I have been seated excitedly before my laptop in an attempt to write up my final blog. Unfortunately, time and again I was bested by a shortcoming of words. I simply do not know how to encapsulate the essence of a time that has meant so very much to me.

And so, rather than writing a blog that does not reflect my time honestly, I have decided to simply write a long overdue Thank You note.
I am so very grateful for every single minute I was able to spend in India. I am grateful to every person that made my trip possible. This includes the individuals in Germany that supported me financially and the members of Seek and Care that walked alongside me throughout my journey. I am Thankful to the staff at ImCares for looking after me, always ensuring I was healthy and fed, and providing me with a comfortable space to grow. And finally, I am grateful to the kids at the Agape Village. I am grateful for every day we spent together, and all the mischief that we caused. You all hold a very special place in my heart.

So once again, thank you to every person that contributed to my experience in India, it has truly been a gift that I will carry with me for life. I wish you all the blessings in each of your journey’s ahead.

Kind regards,

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